What is NAAN Design?
The driving force behind the content on this site is a desire to dig deeper and learn more about the connection between the earth and human beings. How were we created? How do we create? What is it that motivates us?

Connecting to creation and the metaphysical world.
Life is about digging. Whether we are looking for treasure, planting seeds, creating buildings, mining for minerals we are all looking for the treasure and sustenance from life and the earth.
In order to design or create something we need an intention. What is it that we want to create? This question leads to hours of research and exploration. In the study of architecture and design, we do lots of digging into the mind behind things.
How to ponder on things.
The ultimate truth to be uncovered from studying design is this:
It’s how we look at things that matters.
It’s how we think about things that matters.
Notice the matter(s) always follows the thought.
That is the pattern of life on earth. First we conceive of something, and then it is made manifest.
The designer's journey is one of looking behind the curtain. Uncovering the veil and the matrix, to identify the simplest and purest connections in all things.
The truth is we are all architects and designers, because we are all forming and creating our own lives. We may or may not be conscious of this fact, but it is happening all the time. Architecture is not just for building, technology and system design.
So the architect's journey is one of getting behind the material things and understanding what makes everything work and connect.
When we get to higher levels of thought, a.k.a the forest through the trees, we can see the broader connections and make different and better decisions.
The hammer is an evolved concept. Go to the local hardware store and look at the number of hammers available. All of these created with just the idea of driving a piece of metal into some wood.
People started with trees and had to learn how to cut them down and then stack them together. They realized life would be easier if they could cut these logs into smaller pieces. So they developed an axe and a saw.
But they still had the the problem of how to put the wood together. Later, we have the advent new materials like steel and other metals. These metals were used in different ways to hold the wood together.
Ultimately they developed the pin, or nail, that can be driven into the wood pieces by force and joins them efficiently.
Then they needed something to push the pin into the wood. I imagine a rock sufficed as a basic tool, but it was improved by the addition of a handle which gave more power and leverage
Over time we now have created perfect ergonomically designed and weighted wooden, fiberglass, and carbon fiber handles with a metal top that works in perfect harmony to deliver the supreme amount of force into a nail.
And there are hundreds of different kinds of nails for many different purposes.
So we see the evolution of mind and the desire to experiment with nature.
The hammer and tool needed depends upon the use.

You can still find the 16 oz Estwing hammer that I have used for many years, which may be a testament to it's quality, plus some amazing framing hammers on Amazon.
Thoughts are Tools of Creation.
So we appreciate the tools and we appreciate the technology and having these new tools and technology we are able to create new things.
But as always there is the thought behind the thing. And the thought behind the thing is the driving force behind all development and creation.
Questions and food for thought.
- What gives us the thoughts in the first place?
- How does the thought behind a thing change the thing being thought about?
Much like driving a nail, these questions are the driving force behind the content on this website. It’s a desire to dig deeper and learn more about the earth, about human beings and the creatures on the earth.
- How we were created?
- How do we create?
- What is it that drives us?
When we build things and we do decide to put the hammer to the nail, what is the best thing that we can create for this given circumstance?
What can we do that honors the tree and the nail and the earth and the people in it?
Creation uses resources. Is it worth it?
A tree is going to give up its life to become a board which will become an object or a building.
Will the tree be proud of what has been made?
We are always looking to build with the highest level of outcome. The most benefit for all. We realize that in order for something to be built something else must be destroyed.
Is it worth it to cut down and sacrifice the tree to make the thing that we are going to make? Is what we are making going to add value to the earth and the people around us? Will people benefit from and appreciate this item or this construct into the years in generations to come? Will the earth accept it and respect it?
When we build some thing are we leaving something behind. Does this something create a positive impact and legacy for the rest of the earth and people in it?
Enjoy the site and I hope you find value here and whatever you may be looking for. We appreciate the opportunity to share our discoveries with you, and hope that you will leave this site better off for having been here.
If you want to contact us can do so with the email address below. If you’re interested in a consultation evaluation of your design problem or life problem or business problem, go ahead reach out.