What Does Fluorite Symbolize? - (Is It True?)
The fluorite crystal encourages synchronicity within the self - a fluid state of mind and well-being. It supports spiritual awakening and acts as a detoxifying stone that flushes out negative behavior patterns, and addictive tendencies...

With its clarity and bright coloring many people may wonder:
What does fluorite symbolize? and what does it do?
Fluorite meaning healing properties
Fluorite is considered to be the genius stone because it stimulates the brain. Fluorite meaning and the name of the crystal comes from the latin word fluere which means to flow.
Pure fluorite is colorless, there are many colors of fluorite ranging from pink to purple to blue green. These colors result from impurities found within the fluorite.

Rainbow fluorite is not exactly a rainbow. Instead, it is multicolored - often with two to three complementary colors. Green and purple are commonly found together in rainbow fluorite specimens.
Fluorite stone, like many crystals, has the ability to clear negative energy, but this stone is specifically known for clearing the mind. Fluorite is a great balancer of thoughts and ideas.

Fluorite can be used to cleanse the aura and act as a psychic shield. Fluorite is able to neutralize any harmful or negative energy, and emits a sense of calmness and balance.
When placed around other crystals and stones it can amplify the qualities and powers of the other healing crystals.
Where are fluorite crystals found?
Fluorite is a calcium crystal that often forms clear, cubic, and octahedral shapes. Fluorite shows perfect cleavage in four directions, and ranks a 4 on Moh's Hardness Scale. With the full range of colors found in fluorite, its connection to the sun and rainbows makes sense.
It was initially discovered in the tropical and warm climates of Brazil and Mexico. Fluorite crystal is a common mineral with the largest deposits found in China, Mexico, and South Africa, Deposits are also found in Argentina, Canada, Mongolia, Rwanda, Spain, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Typically Fluorite will form on a “host” mineral like barite, calcite, or quartz. It is also found in vein forms, and multiple colors regularly occur on within a single specimen.

The early Egyptians carved statues of deities from Fluorite, and Ancient Romans were know to decorate with Fluorite. For centuries, the Chinese have sculpted ornate vessels from this stunning crystal.
Fluorite uses in industry.
Fluorite has been recognized sine the 1500s as an important element in the production of flux which is used for soldering. Fluorite is the name used mineralogy, while the name fluorspar is commonly used for industrial version of fluorite.
Fluorspar is used to produce many products, like aluminum, insulating foams, refrigerants, and steel.
Fluorine is also contained within fluorite crystals and fluorine was used to enrich uranium in the first atomic bombs.
NOTE: Inside fluorite stones, fluorine is bonded with calcium which will secure and protect the uranium. It is not suggested to eat or imbibe fluorite in any way and certainly best to avoid pulverizing it.
It is considered safe to have fluorite crystals in the home and polished fluorite on your person. It is generally no more radioactive than a banana. :)
Fluorite metaphysical and healing properties.
Fluorite metaphysical and healing properties
What are fluorite healing properties?
The fluorite crystal encourages synchronicity within the self - a fluid or “flux” state of mind and well-being. It supports spiritual awakening and acts as a detoxifying stone that flushes out negative behavior patterns, and addictive tendencies.

Fluorite is a stone that releases unlimited capabilities and creative thinking. Fluorite’s ability to wave off negative energy is one of its most powerful characteristics.
Fluorite crystal healing for body, mind, and spirit
11 Fluorite contributions to a healthy body:
- cleans and purifies the overall body
- regenerates mucous membranes (e.g. lungs & respiratory tract)
- stimulates skin growth and wound repair
- fortifies bones and teeth
- strengthens the spine and encourages better posture
- relieves joint stiffness
- reduces inflammation from arthritis, gout and rheumatism
- helps balance brain chemistry and nervous system
- assists with dizziness and vertigo
- help you be more physically balanced
- garners strength and endurance.
15 Fluorite contributions to a healthy mind:
- increases intuitive powers and understanding
- stabilizes emotions and promotes impartiality
- promotes balance and ability to remain objectively
- supports focus and discipline
- Increases self confidence and dexterity
- breaks through stubborn behavior patterns
- gently brings suppressed feelings to surface
- heals anger and releases grief, and resolves fears
- eliminates negative stressors and energies
- encourages organization
- enhances learning, concentration and memorization
- improves physical and mental coordination
- counteracts mental disorders
- supports the brain in complex problems
- deflects the electromagnetic field that surrounding electronic devices.
10 Fluorite contributions to a healthy spirit:
- provides psychic protection
- awakens senses to release outside influences manipulative energies
- clears mind space of unwanted noise and chatter
- focuses brain activity to enhances healing potential
- releases negative energy patterns and Karma
- delivers information from the Akashic Records
- provides connection to present life and past lives
- connects to spirit guides and angelic realms
- accesses the subconscious mind
- increases focus in meditation and invokes spiritual awakening
Fluorite crystal uses
Fluorite crystal uses
Wearing Fluorite
Keeping fluorite crystal in contact with the skin can be an excellent way to connect to its healing energies. Bare skin contact allows the stone’s vibration directly access to the body which can amplify its benefits.

Carrying a fluorite stone in a pocket or purse is another way to keep it on your person. This is a great option for those who prefer not to wear jewelry.
The positive energy boost from fluorite can to bring clarity, hope and confidence throughout the day.
Fluorite at home and work
In addition to being a detoxifier, fluorite can make an excellent decoration piece.
Keeping fluorite crystal in the house can continuously cleanse the energy and promote a sense of love and gratitude within the home.
Likewise, placing it on or near a work surface can help uplift the environment and provide a clear space for positive thinking.

Placing fluorite where it will be seen each day can serve as a reminder to dream big and pursue life goals.
Mediation and Fluorite
Meditating with fluorite is another way to tap into the stone’s healing qualities and energy field. Because the fluorite is known to increase focus and connect to angelic realms, meditating with fluorite crystal can invoke a spiritual awakening.

The following is a suggested method to use fluorite crystal in meditation:
- Find a quiet and calm place - a usual meditation spot is great.
- While meditating, hold some fluorite in the palm(s) of the hand(s).
- Focus the breath and attention on the energy of the stone(s).
- Visualize the bright light flowing through the crystals and filling the body and mind.
- Hold meditation for as long as desired.
Fluorite and the zodiac
Each zodiac sign is associated with 12 birthstones. Fluorite is a birthstone for the signs of Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20), Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20), Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Capricorns tend to be independent, ambitious, meticulous and tenacious. The focusing and mental clarity aspect of fluorite might be appealing to this sign.
Pisces is associated with peace, sincerity, but also indecision. The self confidence boosting aspect of fluorite might be beneficial to the Pisces.
Scorpio can be proud, independent, and critical, so the calming, balancing and understanding aspects of fluorite might be helpful to the Scorpio.
Fluorite and the chakras
Fluorite crystal is primarily related to the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.
- The Third Eye (6th) chakra, located between the eyebrows, is a spiritual development center attuning the material and physical world. The third eye chakra can be activated with the fluorite being placed on this spot.
- The Crown chakra (7th) at the top of the head is the connection point to the universe and the Infinite. Placing a moonstone here, particularly clear fluorite, awakens this energy center and connects to higher realms and akashic records.
Fluorite crystals with the colors purple and green align their vibrations with the Heart Chakra.
- The Heart (4th) Chakra, located at the breast plate, encompasses innate abilities of love and compassion. The heart chakra is related to the color green so it has a natural connection purple and green fluorite healing properties.
Fluorite colors
Fluorite colors
Fluorite crystal is considered a colorless crystal, however there are many different colors due to impurities in the crystal formations; Purple fluorite, yellow fluorite, green blue fluorite, and pink fluorite are some common colors.

Attributes of fluorite crystal by color:
- Black Fluorite is a cleanser and purifier, and its energy creates serve a shield around the emotional body.
- Blue Fluorite is an excellent stone for an artist, teacher or public speaker. This blue crystal represents the throat chakra and is known for enhancing creative thought and clear communication. It can release negative thought patterns and increase transparency, honesty and authenticity. It helps release tears in expression of grief and fear, and it creates peace of mind. Blue fluorite is said to help release problems with the eyes, nose, ears and throat.
- Clear Fluorite has a strong connection to the intuition and the third eye and can enhance psychic abilities. Clear fluorite stimulates foresight, mental clarity and and can increase telepathic abilities. This stone helps in communication other people, spirit guides, angels as well as with animals. Often used as a psychic protector, this type of fluorite enhances the powers of other crystals and brings a state of harmony.

- Green Fluorite crystal is associated with the heart chakra and brings the heart and mind into balance. Green fluorite is well-suited for those struggling with grief and heartache because it dissipates emotional trauma and brings a state of calmness. Green fluorite can enhance the effectiveness of mantras, affirmations, and visualizations. It is said to relieve PMS symptoms, stomach and digestive disorders, and colic.
- Pink Fluorite crystal is credited with releasing fear and despair, while fostering forgiveness. It is known to open the heart, support self-love, and reprogram the mind at the astral and emotional level. Pink fluorite can help with headaches and migraines and can ease heart disease symptoms.

- Purple Fluorite crystal connects with the crown chakra and supports spiritual awakening. It is attuned with high vibrations and the ability to ascend human consciousness. Similar in color to amethyst, purple fluorite represents peace, protection and love. Purple fluorite energy enhances psychic development and assist communication with spirit guides. Purple fluorite is an excellent meditation companion promoting wholeness and spiritual peace. This crystal is also said to relieve symptoms of anaemia, arthritis, leukemia, osteoporosis, and rheumatism.

- Rainbow fluorite crystals provide a deep connection to psychic abilities and intuition and can tap into the creative mind. It can be grounding and spiritually uplifting at the same time.
- Raspberry fluorite crystal brings mental healing to a higher level by removing negative programs and thought imprints. Raspberry fluorite can release negative karma patterns and can even repair DNA damage.

- Yellow Fluorite crystal is connected to the solar plexus (3rd) chakra and can open pathways for joyful self-expression. Yellow fluorite can stabilize group energy helping everyone work in harmony. It is known to release attachments and negative inner voices, and help maintain courage and self-confidence. Yellow fluorite can help remove toxins from the body, lower cholesterol levels and assist in treating liver issues.
- Yttrium fluorite crystal is a rare stone also known as lavender fluorite and is a supportive of self-fulfillment. It is a high energy crystal that assists with spiritual growth and is often used by spiritual mediums to help focus the mind and tune into psychic energy. People working in service oriented fields suggest that lavender fluorite helps support detachment and understanding.
How to care for Fluorite
How to care for Fluorite
Cleansing Fluorite
Healing crystals can get tapped out of natural balance and need a tune up before they can truly shine.
A favorite tool for cleansing stones and healing crystals is a crystal tuner. This tuning fork device is used to clear crystal energy fields with sound.

Note: fluorite crystals are water-soluble, so they can dissolve in water. It is best to use other methods for cleansing fluorite crystal.
There are numerous other methods to cleanse your crystals and they are covered in this article:

Fluorite Authenticity
It’s easy to tell if fluorite crystals are real as it will glow brightly under UV light. Fluorite, being a soft crystal, will typically exhibit numerous scratches on its surface.

Faked fluorite is often made from glass or plastic and it will not glow or fluoresce under UV light. It may also have bubbles and a surface without scratches.
Where to purchase Fluorite
Fluorite jewelry and stones can be found many places online. Links to some good sources are sprinkled throughout the article, but we have listed a some solid sellers here:
Conscious Items - carries numerous stones and jewelry. A great option for small items and crystal combination kits.

Throwin Stones has been around since 2001 and carries a large selection of stones in many forms and sizes. If you are looking for natural crystals and stones this is an excellent resource.
Amazon - offers some high quality fluorite crystals to explore.

Fluorite crystals can be purchased from online and local stores. Events and expos held throughout the year can be great places to find quality specimens.
Fluorite crystal vibrates at a frequency brings that balance to physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Fluorite goes by the title "The Genius Stone" because it creates a sense of mental clarity and boosts intelligence. Fluorite crystal is a very popular because it can fill the soul with positive spiritual energy and promote self love and confidence.
Fluorite crystal brings us in touch with our heart’s desires and expand the mind and imagination helping turn dreams into reality.
It encourages powerful imagination to let go of limitations and break through boundaries.
Beyond Fluorite
Many things that may have been ignored and taken for granted may be found to have much higher purposes and significant potential benefits in our lives. It's quite possible that the positive energy and peace within fluorite crystals is just beginning to be understood.
Humanity is awakening to higher levels understanding and new realizations every day. The more we learn from our research into healing crystals and crystal healing energies, the more fascinated we become. It is likely that new healing properties of fluorite crystal may be discovered in the near future. Stay tuned.
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