Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties - (Stairway to Heavenly Realms)
Lapis lazuli stone is said to be the starry sky shrunken down into a precious gem, holding all the knowledge of the universe. Inner peace and soul guidance can be discovered with the help of this stone...

Lapis Lazuli Healing Properties
This article will explore and discuss lapis lazuli healing properties and how to use lapis lazuli as a tool for self awareness in daily life.
Lapis lazuli name. The two-part name of lapis lazuli which means "blue rock" comes from two sources: (1) lapis - a Latin word meaning "stone," and (2) lazuli - from the Persian word lājevard meaning sky or heaven.

Physical properties. Lapis lazuli is a sodium and aluminum silicate containing sulphur, chlorine hydroxyl, and variable inclusions of white calcite and pyrite. Pyrite provides the gold flecks that resemble stars.
Lapis is a semi precious stone that registers 5+ on the Mohs Hardness Scale. It is water safe, but it is best to limit the stone’s exposure to water.

The rich blue color of lapis is due to lazurite which is an essential component of the mineral. The pyrite crystals present in lapis lazuli add value to the stone and make it distinct from Sodalite which is similar to lapis lazuli.
Calcite is the ingredient that produces white streaks in lapis lazuli, and high concentrations of calcite will lower the value of the stone.
Qualitative aspects. This royal blue stone of protection can ward off psychic attacks, release stress, and bring deeper peace.
Harmony and higher self-knowledge are facilitated by lapis lazuli, which can reveal inner truths and increase self-awareness.
Lapis lazuli is said to stimulate objectivity, clarity and creativity and support the qualities of honesty, compassion and morality.
Physically, lapis lazuli can boost the immune system, purify blood, lower blood pressure, as well as cool and sooth inflammation. It can alleviate insomnia and overcome depression. Lapis lazuli can benefit the respiratory and nervous systems.
Lapis lazuli meaning - History and spirituality
One of the oldest recorded stones in history, Lapis lazuli has history dating back over 9,000 years. Known as the Wisdom Stone, small flecks of pyrite make it resemble a blue night time sky filled with twinkling stars.

Beloved by the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Minoans, Chinese, Greeks, lapis lazuli has been used in fine art throughout many the ages. The gold funeral mask of King Tutankhamen is inlaid with lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, and obsidian .
Cleopatra, was known to use powdered lapis lazuli as eyeshadow. Like Cleopatra’s makeup, painters in the middle ages ground up this deep blue stone to create the paint color known as ultramarine. This transcendent blue paint is found painted in the robes of Mary of Nazareth as well as on the ceiling of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.

Pre-Columbian cultures in South America like the Diaguita and Inca valued lapis lazuli for carving and art. They traded and fought over the lapis lazuli from mines in Argentina and Chile.
Found on many sarcophagus and the breastplate of the high priests of ancient Egypt, the Sumerians and ancient Egyptians regarded lapis lazuli as the stone of the gods believing that it contained the spirit of deities.
Biblical scholars believe that Old Testament references to "sapphire" may actually be lapis lazuli because sapphire was only known after the end of the Roman Empire.
The explorer Marco Polo wrote about lapis lazuli mines in the 1271. Note: Mr. Polo must have lived many years because he was said to discover America in 1496 :) .

Spiritual meaning of Lapis Lazuli
In Persian folklore and across the ancient shores of South America, the deep blue, lapis lazuli stone was said to be the starry sky shrunken down into a precious gem, holding all the knowledge of the universe.
In Islam, lapis stone was chosen to be a protector against the evil eye, and Buddhists too would turn to this stone as its soft healing energy paved the way to inner peace.
Catherine the Great had a whole room adorned in Lapis Lazuli.
Where is Lapis Lazuli found?
The most well-known source of lapis lazuli is the mountains of Afghanistan. Having been mined here for many millenia, the stone was historically transported to Egypt, Iraq and Europe where it was used as a decorative and ornamental stone.
Afghanistan still produces high-quality lapis lazuli, while other deposits are found in Canada, Italy, Pakistan, Peru, Russia and the United States of America.
Lapis Lazuli healing and metaphysical properties
Lapis Lazuli healing and metaphysical properties
What does Lapis Lazuli do?
Lapis lazuli is known for revealing deep truth and tapping into the highest levels of spiritual and personal power.
Healing with Lapis Lazuli -Using Lapis Lazuli for Body, Mind and Spirit
13 Lapis Lazuli contributions to the body:
- Soothes inflammation
- Benefits the endocrine, respiratory and nervous systems
- Stimulates lymphatic drainage
- Lowers blood pressure
- Boosts the immune system
- Cleans organs, bone marrow, and thymus
- Soothes throat, larynx and thyroid
- Helps with insomnia
- Eases pain, especially migraines
- Overcomes hearing loss
- Purifies blood
- Improves eyesight
- Aids with autism and Asperger's syndrome
21 Lapis Lazuli contributions to the mind:
- Brings objectivity and clarity
- Encourages creative thought
- Helps to see truth and clear perspective on life
- Fosters self expression and confidence
- Supports relationships and bonds
- Releases communication barriers
- Brings honesty and compassion to the personality
- Elevates consciousness
- Helps relieve frustration, agitation and anger
- Releases emotional turmoil
- Useful for inner child work, and alcohol and drug addiction.
- take responsibility for yourself rather than blaming others for missed opportunities.
- Identifies habits, patterns and lessons blocking spiritual progress
- Harmonizes physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conflicts
- Supports active listening
- Releases outdated thoughts and mental patterns
- Brings new information to the mind in images
- Facilitates a positive life outlook
- Expands awareness of your motivations and beliefs.
- Helps concentration and focus on studies and complex subject matters
- Supports audition and job interview performance
15 Lapis Lazuli contributions to the spirit:
- Contacts spirit guardians and the Akashic Records
- Brings deep inner self knowledge
- Recognizes psychic attack, blocks and returns the energy back to the source
- Teaches the power of the spoken word
- Opens and balances the throat chakra
- Enhances psychic abilities and connection
- Acts as a spiritual journey guide
- Awakens the third eye and
- Improves ability to visualize guidance and information
- Enhances meditative journeys
- Facilitates viewing of past and alternate-lives
- Opens the third eye and the intuitive senses
- Promotes clarity during dreamtime and remember
- Reverses curses or disease caused by not speaking out
- Stimulates clairvoyance and precognition
Lapis Lazuli Uses
Lapis Lazuli Uses
Wearing Lapis lazuli
Those who wear Lapis Lazuli on their person can bring its protective energy with them. Common forms of Lapis lazuli jewelry are pendants and bracelets.
Jewelry provides an easy way to incorporate Lapis lazuli into daily life and receive its beneficial properties.
Another way to use Lapis Lazuli is to carry it on your person in a pocket, purse or bag.

Using Lapis Lazuli at Home and Work
Lapis Lazuli at Home. Around the home, lapis lazuli supports contentment and a strong family Some find Lapis lazuli to be an effective tool for use in dream work.
It can help relieve insomnia and allow deep dreams. Simply place Lapis lazuli crystal close to the bed or beneath a pillow and let it do the work of enchantment.

Lapis Lazuli at Work. At work, it can help inspire trust in and from others, maintain self-integrity and gain promotions. Lapis lazuli properties can increase concentration and provide clarity and direction.
The water aspect of the stone can support fluidity and deep thought when taking on challenging ideas and tasks.
Lapis lazuli beauty products
Oil can be created from lapis lazuli which can be used to elevate the mood.
A lapis stone face tool can help soothe skin irritation and reduce blemishes. Face rollers made of this stone can be used in a similar fashion.
Lapis lazuli crystal therapy
Lapis lazuli therapy is a non-invasive technique using vibrational energy to direct and transmute the energies around the body. The process supports healing at all levels: body, mind and spirit.
A therapist might use a lapis lazuli wand or stones on energy centers of the body. A therapist might also place lapis lazuli stones around the body to create a protective energy field.
Using a lapis lazuli or stone around the throat chakra and other energy centers can encourage these centers to open activating pure and natural traits.

By helping identify habitual thought patterns, lapis lazuli has been used as a tool for autism, ADD, and Asperger's syndrome. Lapis stone can assist those suffering from trauma, depression, and grief by clearing and strengthening the mind as well as stimulating hope and courage.
It is also useful for those who think deeply and need a focusing tool. It has acted as a thought amplifier for psychologists, writers, executives, and professionals helping perform analysis, think critically, and be creative.
Lapis lazuli can be used as a tool for a weight loss by helping correct hormonal balances and eliminate toxins in the body.
Lapis Lazuli Stone and Relationships.
Lapis lazuli can help bring harmony to relationships and balance emotions. Lapis stone can open the door of acceptance and give understanding and peace.
Lapis encourages the properties truthfulness and awareness of self and others. People around the stone can absorb the positive energy provided by lapis crystal simply by being close to its energy field.
Lapis Lazuli and Meditation.
Meditating with Lapis lazuli is another way to bring the stone’s qualities into your energy field. Lapis lazuli can protect against negative thoughts and keep the mind and spirit open.

Meditation with this rock can enhance spiritual awakening because it connects to the third eye chakra.
The following is a suggested method for meditation with this stone. Hold meditation for as long as you like:
- Find a quiet and calm place - your usual meditation spot is fine if you have one.
- Place Lapis lazuli crystal near or around the meditation area.
- Focus the breath and attention on the energy of the stones.
- Imagine your body being fully connected with the earth.
- Attune the spirt to release any unwanted energies and sort through challenges.
Lapis Lazuli and the Zodiac
Each zodiac sign is associated with numerous stones.
Lapis lazuli crystal is associated with water and sky elements and is a gemstone for the following birth signs:
- Taurus (Apr 21 - May 20)
- Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
- Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 23)
- Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21 )
Sagittarius enjoys a good philosophical debate, and as lapis lazuli, being the stone of knowledge and wisdom, encourages this activity.
Lapis Lazuli and the Chakras
Lapis lazuli is primarily related to the The Throat Chakra and Third-Eye Chakra
The Throat Chakra (5th) it's located in the throat area has a direct connection with the abilities to communicate verbally.
Lapis Lazuli benefits can free the throat area and allow truth to flow. It can provide increase self-confidence and clarity.
The Third-Eye Chakra (6th) is found at the point between the eyebrows and is responsible for intuition and imagination. Instinctual responses and understandings can be found by tuning into this chakra. It is also the main meditation chakra.
Lapis Lazuli benefits can provide deeper access into soul guidance and intuition.
How to care for for Lapis Lazuli
How to care for for Lapis Lazuli
Cleaning Lapis Lazuli
Warm soapy water and a soft cloth and all that is needed to clean lapis stone clean. Rinse the crystal(s) with cool water to remove the soap residue and dry thoroughly. It’s best to avoid high temperature water as well as toxic and chemical cleansers.
Cleansing Lapis Lazuli
Cleansing is meant to remove any negative accumulated energies inside the stone. A few good methods for cleansing lapis stone are:
Sound - A favorite tool for cleansing stones and healing crystals is a crystal tuner or sound bowl. These tuning devices clear crystal energy fields with sound. A few other possibilities are shown below.
Water - An easy way to cleanse lapis crystal is to hold it under running water for about a minute or more. Lapis lazuli is a water stone and harmonizes well with this method.
Other crystals - Leaving lapis lazuli in a bowl overnight along with with some hematite or selenite can soak up negative and unwanted energy clearing the energy field.
There are numerous other methods to cleanse your crystals and they are covered in this article.
Programing/charging Lapis Lazuli
There is no need to charge or program a lapis stone, but cleansing is considered important.
Lapis Lazuli Grades
- AAA Grade - Superb Quality - Deep blue color with pyrite having no inclusions and no calcite.
- AA Grade - Fine Quality - Dark blue with pyrite and no calcite.
- A Grade - Best Quality - Dark blue with pyrite and some calcite.
- B Grade - Medium Quality - Blue color with pyrite and some calcite inside and out.
- C Grade - Low Quality - Blue color with pyrite and lots of calcite.
Gold flecks enhance the beauty of all grades.
Lapis lazuli stone benefits are many and it is a stone that reveals inner truth and releases negative thoughts.
Lapis lazuli is considered a divine gift with excellent metaphysical properties. For those seeking the internal well of self-wisdom, lapis is known to encourage the intuitive part of the soul to speak.
Lapis stone can keep you feeling safe and protected, while keeping the heart open and ready at the same time.
It is an excellent stone for children who dealing with anxiety and ADD/ADHD. Lapis lazuli's healing properties can help them focus and stay on task when they are overwhelmed by their thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Where to Purchase Lapis Lazuli
Lapis lazuli can be purchased from online and local stores, and we encourage you to explore shops and dealers in your immediate area. Events and expos are held throughout the year can also be great places to find quality specimens.
Links to some good sources are sprinkled throughout the article, but we have listed a some solid sellers here:
Conscious Items - carries numerous stones and jewelry. A great option for small items and crystal combination kits.
Loveliome has a creative collection of lapis lazuli and other stone specimens.
KALIFANO offers some high quality lapis lazuli stone to explore.
Beyond Lapis Lazuli Stone
Many things that may have been ignored and taken for granted may be found to have much higher purposes and significant potential benefits in our lives. It’s quite possible that the wisdom and intuition guidance within lapis lazuli is just beginning to be understood.
Humanity is awakening to higher levels understanding and new realizations every day. The more we learn from our research into healing crystals and crystal healing energies, the more fascinated we become. It is likely that new healing properties of lapis lazuli stone may be discovered in the near future. Stay tuned.
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Our goal is to find the best opportunities and options for our readers. Links are provided for convenience and to increase understanding of the items being discussed. There is no cost/price impact to use these links.
The Crystal Bible - A definitive guide to crystals, Judy Hall