How to Use Shungite - (EMF protection and more)
Shungite’s healing properties have been known to act as a natural remedy for ailments such as chronic fatigue, arthritis, and asthma. It can also be used to purify air and water. This makes shungite on of the most versatile stones in the world.

What is Shungite?
This article aims to help you understand and know how to use shungite. Shungite is an ancient type of black stone that is found in the Karelia region of Russia, and has been recognized for centuries as a natural healer with many different purposes. Shungite was found in a village called Shunga and which is where Shungite gets its name. Shungite is a carbon rich stone that is known to bind carbon dioxide in the air.
People use shungite for a variety of reasons including: improving air quality, eliminating bacteria from food and other materials, cleansing rooms or homes of unwanted energies, healing skin conditions like eczema, and for stress relief.
Shungite’s healing properties have been known to act as a natural remedy for various ailments such as chronic fatigue, arthritis, and asthma. It can also be used to purify water. This makes shungite one of the most versatile stones in the world.
Legend and Mystery of Shungite in Russia.
Petrozavodsk phenomenon. Light in the sky.
Petrozavodsk is at the center of Karelia in Russia and is also the center of what is called the Petrozavodsk phenomenon.

In the late 1970s there were sightings of bright light objects in the sky that showered the Petrozavodsk area with rays of light. This was observed from as far away as Copenhagen, Denmark and other areas of northern and eastern Europe.
In Helsinki, Finland people observed a glowing ball of light. In other areas of northwestern Russia they also observed a number of glowing objects in the sky. People at the airport, taxi drivers and local residents around the area also observed this phenomenon.
In Turku, Finland two men reported a 30 foot diameter object floating above the water about 1000 feet away from them which was floating and it was continuously spinning.
There are more reports of these kinds of activities in this area but the truth of the events remains guarded.
Mineral water fountain with healing powers.
Curiously, just 34 miles away from Petrozavodsk, the capital of Karelia, lies a mineral water fountain that is known to have amazing healing properties. In the early 1700’s, Russian emperor Peter the Great founded the first major Russian spa here as a tribute to Mars. Note the astral reference.

Wounded and ill soldiers from Peter the Great's army, after receiving treatment with these waters, experienced great healing. The miraculous recovery of the soldiers was attributed to the planet Mars, which we cannot verify. But the healing was very much attributed the the space age rock called shungite which was very present in the water.
Today, several areas in Karelia use shungite as a means of water purification. Some water is filtered by a special shungite purifier, while some is pulled straight from Lake Onega, which has the world’s largest shungite deposit.

Cosmic Mystery and Ancient origins of shungite.
Shungite's geological age is estimated in the millions of years, and the appearance of the ancient rock formation is still shrouded in mystery. Other than a few meteorites, shungite is the only mineral known to man that contains fullerenes.
Due to the extremely beneficial properties and numerous shungite benefits, many people suggest a cosmic origin of shungite.
Where is shungite found?
Shungite has been found on every continent on Earth, but it is abundant on the Russian continent. Shungite deposits are found in the Ural Mountains and Karelia region of Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.
Shungite properties.
Shungite is a carbon-based stone with a black color and greenish hue and is used for its multitude of health benefits. Among shungite's unique properties is the fact that it contains trace amounts of fullerenes, the only molecular form of carbon.
Shungite is graded based upon the amount of carbon that it contains. There are three types of authentic shungite stones:

Elite (Noble) shungite.
Elite shungite is very fragile and has a shin appearance. Only 1% of shungite of elite quality which has carbon content of about 98%. Elite Shungite is said to be the best to use for water purification, EMF shielding and injury recovery because it works faster than other forms.
Petrovsky shungite.
Petrovsky shungite which has 50 to 70% carbon it is a deep black color. This black shungite is stable enough to be shaped so it is common to find it in jewelry, pendants and figurines.
Regular shungite.
Regular shungite is regulation gate commonly used to make jewelry, spheres, cubes, and the shungite pyramid. It has carbon content of 30 to 50%. This makes it much more stable and easy to work with.
In addition to their healing power and unique physical properties, shungite crystals are attractive stones because they can be polished to a sheen.
Karelian Masters on Amazon has a large collection of shungite varieties and samples.
Shungite metaphysical and healing properties.
How to use shungite.
What is shungite good for?
When incorporating shungite into your life, it may be best considered as complementary and alternative medicine.
How do shungite stones work?
Shungite is a unique and powerful stone that has been used for centuries. Significant scientific research has been dedicated to shungite, and it is said to be the stone of power used by ancient shamans, priests, and healers.
What are the benefits of using shungite stones?
Shungite is a naturally occurring rock that has been used for centuries to purify water and air. It is said that the ancient Greeks used it as a natural shield against radiation, bacteria and viruses.
Some benefits the use of Shungite stones:
- It can purify air by absorbing harmful chemicals.
- It can protect against harmful energy emitted by electronic devices.
- It can be used to clean water by absorbing toxins and heavy metals.
Shungite as an air purifier.
It has been discovered that shungite can be used as a natural air purifier because it has the ability to absorb and neutralize toxins in the air.
Shungite is employed in places where there are high levels of radiation, such as Chernobyl, Fukushima, and Ukraine. In these areas, shungite is used to absorb radioactivity and prevent radioactive dust from entering the environment.

Shungite for EMF protection.
EMF stands for electromagnetic fields which is a type of radiation that is emitted from electrical devices like cell phones, WiFi routers and microwaves ovens. Shungite has the potential to absorb electromagnetic radiation, so shungite stone is commonly employed as a natural remedy for radiation exposure and the electromagnetic waves emitted from computers and cell phones.
Whether it is used as a stone, worn as jewelry or in powder form added to paint, shungite is applied in various ways as protection from EMF radiation. Shungite powder is discussed at length below.

How to use shungite stone.
The healing properties of shungite considered to be many including the ability to help with health issues such as allergies, asthma, insomnia, and pain.
Shungite is believed to have a cleansing, detoxifying effect on the body which can help with weight-loss.
It’s thought that shungite can help with skin problems such as acne and eczema by reducing oil production in the skin.
Shungite mineral has been used as alternative medicine by some doctors to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy treatments for cancer patients. Shungite is said to improve blood circulation, promote healing, and reduce the effects of radiation on the body.
Shungite is used in its natural form, but is often formed into pyramids, jewelry, and other products to help people cleanse themselves of negative energy. The pyramids are made up of shungite stones and can be used as an alternative to EMF protection from devices such as cell phone or wifi signals.
Shungite jewelry.
Wearing shungite on your person can bring the crystal healing energy with you wherever you may go.
Wearing shungite as jewelry provides an easy way to incorporate shungite into your life and receive its beneficial properties. Most jewelry that you can imagine can be made with the shungite stone. Necklaces, pendants, bracelets, and earrings can be found to suit many styles and tastes.
A shungite bracelet is an excellent option for many people who want to keep its positive energy close. For those who don't wear jewelry, another option is to carry some shungite stones in a pocket, bag or purse.
There are also patches infused with a shungite which can be applied to the backs of devices like cell phones and other electronic devices to balance out the electromagnetic frequencies and radiation signals.
Shungite for the home & office.
The use of shungite for the home and office can help to reduce stress, improve productivity and absorb negative energies from the environment.

Shungite pyramids are one of the most popular ways to use shungite in daily life. They are small, affordable and can be placed anywhere in your home or office - often on the desk near a computer.
Shungite Powder.
4 common applications of shungite powder.
How to use shungite powder.
The use of shungite powder dates back to the late 1800s when it was used as an agent in the paper industry. The mineral has since been used to purify water, improve air quality, and eliminate bacteria from food and other materials.
In addition to the 4 common applications outlined below, Shungite powder can be used in other ways:
- It can be sprinkled on food to help protect from radiation and microbes.
- It can be added to the air by burning it or by putting it into an ionizer as protection against EMF’s and microbes.
- It can be mixed with other minerals to create a more potent healing mineral solution.
Shungite Deodorizer.
Shungite powder can be used as a natural deodorizer. It's often mixed with baking soda or activated charcoal to create a home deodorizer that removes unpleasant odors from the home.
Shungite paste for the skin.
Because shungite powder is full of fullerenes and antioxidants, it can greatly benefit your skin. The shungite powder is used to create a paste which is applied to the skin to act as anti-aging agent and treat conditions such as acne.
The rejuvenating and antibacterial properties of shungite paste are said to:
- enhance the skin’s glow,
- improve skin elasticity,
- reduce inflammation, and
- get rid of skin impurities.
A common ratio for shungite paste is 1 part shungite powder to 2 parts water. The paste is then applied directly to apply to the skin. It is always wise to test on a small area, before committing to a new therapy.
Shungite Paint.
Shungite powder is added to paint and applied directly to the walls. Designers, builders, and homeowners have begun using shungite-infused paint to protect homes from electromagnetic frequencies. Shungite powder is also added plasters, and mortars for the same protective purpose.
Shungite Fertilizer.
Shungite powder is used in planting and agriculture as well, where it can be added to the soil. It can be applied to potted plants to enhance growth. Shungite powder is often also mixed with organic fertilizers. When added to the soil, it can help regulate soil temperature and humidity conditions, stabilize the mineral composition, and increase soil fertility by as much as 40%.
If you are passionate about the well-being of your garden and plants, you might try adding some shungite powder to the soil and see if it improves plant health.
Shungite in water.
Shungite water benefits.
Shungite is a natural mineral that has been used for centuries to purify water. It is a porous stone and therefore it can absorb impurities from the water. Shungite also releases negative ions into the water. When these ions are consumed, they can help remove toxins from the body.
Shungite infused water is a type of water that has been infused with shungite stones. Drinking shungite water is an excellent way to tap into shungite's healing properties. It is considered to be healthier and more nutritious than regular water.
When consumed in small amounts, shungite-filtered water is safe to drink without any additional treatment processes.
Drinking clean, fresh water can benefit your health in many ways. Russians consider shungite infused water to be especially revitalizing because of the fullerenes it contains.
Fullerenes also have asthma, allergy, and pain relief properties. The benefits of fullerenes can be noticed even in small doses, and the benefits can last for a long time.
Shungite water purifiers.
Using a shungite water purifier can help remove the following components from water: Bacteria, Chlorine, Iron, Manganese, Microorganisms, Nitrates, and Phenol.
Be advised that Shungite tends to make water more acidic, so you need to add alkaline substances before drinking it in large quantities. Drinking water should have a pH of 7.2 to 7.3, whereas shungite water has a pH of 3 to 5.5. Consumption of large amounts of untreated shungite water can lead to gastritis other health problems.
When using Shungite to purify water, it is important ot rebalance the pH of the water afterwards. The main minerals that are regularly used to treat the acidic shungite water are dolomite and quartz sand.
The acidity in water can dissolve dolomite, which will alkalize the water and make it rich with calcium and magnesium. The quartz sand traps heavy metals, helping to protect the integrity of water molecules and returning them to their natural state.
Extra benefits of shungite water.
Shungite water may also provide natural antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals. Some consider fullerenes to have antioxidant qualities higher than that of vitamin E, dibunol, and beta-carotene.
Drinking shungite water may be beneficial in the treatment of the following conditions:
- Heart and cardiovascular system problems
- Kidneys liver and pancreas issues
- Gastritis, cholecystitis, and dyspepsia
- Gall-bladder problems
- Anemia
- Asthma
- Chronic fatigue and arthritis
Dabbing the skin with shungite water a couple of times a day is considered an effective way alternative to treat skin conditions like psoriasis.
How to make shungite water.
There are several ways to make shungite water:
One way is to buy a bottle of natural spring or mineral water and add shungite stones before drinking.
Another way is to boil tap water, add shungite stones, and then let the mixture cool down for about an hour.
Other methods involve boiling water with the shungite stone, but these methods might not be as effective as adding a stone to already boiled tap or mineral water.
Please proceed with caution should you try to experiment with any of these methods. Make sure that you are using actual shungite. We discuss how you can test your shungite below, but it is important to know you have a reputable source and quality product. Do your own research and proceed with caution. Any decision to use shungite in this manner is entirely up to you.

General guidelines for purifying water with shungite:
1) Fill a container with clean drinking water.
2) Add shungite stone to the container and let it soak overnight without touching or moving it.
3) Once the soaking process is complete, the water should be ready for consumption.
4) Remove the shungite stones and place them in another container of clean water. They can be kept this way, and then reused to clean additional water.
Shungite Tea. Another method is to make some tea with the shungite stones. After they have been soaked and cleaned in water, stones can be added to a teabag or a tea pot with boiling water.
Spiritual wisdom of shungite.
Shungite and the chakras. The root chakra is the chakra located at the base of your spine and it corresponds with self-preservation, safety and security. When this chakra is out of balance, a person might experience anxiety and fear with symptoms like headaches, stomach aches and/or insomnia.
While shungite is associated with the root chakra, it can have great benefit for the entire body. The natural spiritual wisdom of shungite can support any and all chakras and help restore a natural energy balance.
Many people wear shungite as a bracelet, earrings or a pendant to keep it close. If spiritual evolution is your goal, the use of shungite can help achieve it.
Shungite and the zodiac.
Unlike other gemstones, shungite isn't connected to any specific zodiac sign. No matter your birth sign, you can take full advantage of the power of shungite.
Testing shungite.
Shungite can be tested using an electrical multi meter. True shungite will conduct electricity, so using the ohmmeter it should get a reading of zero when both testing leads (red and the black) are in contact with the piece of shungite. This means there is no resistance within the shungite and electricity can pass through.
If the resistance reading is zero then it is authentic and good Shungite. Watch the short video above for a demonstration.
How to care for shungite?
Shungite doesn't absorb energy like other gemstones and crystals, so it generally does not need to be cleansed. Shungite has a powerful ability to neutralize the harmful effects of negative wave forms and restore good order.
Where to purchase shungite stones?
Shungite stones can be found at many places online, but not all shungite being offered is the real deal. Before purchasing shungite, it's best to research and make sure to find a reputable dealer. Links to some good sources are sprinkled throughout the article, but we have listed a some solid sellers here:
Conscious Items - They carry stones, jewelry, and protection stickers. A great option for small items and crystal combination kits.
Throwin Stones has been around since 2001 and carries a large selection of stones in many forms and sizes. If you are looking for natural crystals and stones this is an excellent resource.
Karelian Masters on Amazon. Shungite specialists with many forms of Karelian-sourced shungite.
Shungite is a mineral with a curious history steeped in mystery. Some say it was created by lightning striking the earth. According to an ancient legends, this stone appeared on Earth to protect humans from evil spirits and aid them in their lives. Accordingly, this healing stone was used in sacred shamanic rituals.
Regardless of its source, the ancient wisdom of shungite has been used for hundreds of years and is a special gift from mother Earth.
Shungite is miracle stone and an amazing crystal. The list of shungite benefits is long and included the ability to purify air and water. This mineral relieves stress and and absorb negative energy vibrations from any area such as a home, office or even a car. Shungite can also be used to purify the physical body by placing it on specific chakras in order to balance out the vibrations.
Shungite does not refer to the term Shunga, which is a form of Japanese erotic art. :). It is curious, however, that one of the largest and most successful investment firms in the world is known as BlackRock. A coincidence?
Beyond shungite.
Many things that may have been ignored and taken for granted may be found to have higher purposes and significant potential benefits in our lives. In that light, it's possible that the purifying qualities and healing capacity of shungite is just beginning to be understood.
Humanity is awakening to higher levels understanding and new realizations every day. The more we learn from our research into crystals and natural healing energies the more fascinated we become. It is likely that there are shungite stone benefits that are yet unknown, which may be discovered in the near future. Stay tuned.
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