How to Cleanse Your Crystals - (9 great methods)
Cleansing a crystal is a process to bring the crystal or healing stone back to its natural harmonic resonant state. This article will focus on the 9 simple processes available for cleaning your stones.

How to cleanse your crystals properly
Are you wondering how to cleanse, rebalance and get the most out of your crystals?
It is helpful to know when researching crystals that they usually need to be cleansed. If they can hold a charge, then it follows they also need to be cleared periodically. How to cleanse your crystals properly is the question.
This article explains 9 excellent methods to keep a collection of crystals and precious stones clear of negative energy and charged with positive intentions.

Crystals and humans hold energy, information and vibration.
Minerals and crystals are created by powerful forces in the earth which form specific and unique structural patterns.
The physical structure of crystals is known as a crystalline structure. Due to the nature of these geometric patterns, crystals can create and hold consistent vibration known as the dormant oscillatory rate.
Human beings are also known to have energy fields which are sending and receiving vibrations constantly. It is believed that when crystals and healing stones interact with people, they can bring balance to the energy fields and support well-being.
Studies have shown that crystals can store a significant amount of data and information for an indefinite period of time. In order to use crystals and healing stones to their full potential, it is therefore recommended that you keep them clear of unwanted energy by cleansing them.
Common Questions About Cleansing Crystals and Healing Stones
Guidebook for Cleansing CrystalsCommon Questions About Cleansing Crystals and Healing Stones
What is the difference between cleansing and charging?
Crystals and healing stones can be considered as charging on a day-to-day basis while they receive information and energy form the environment around them.
Cleansing a crystal is a process to bring the crystal or healing stone back to its natural harmonic resonant state.
This article will focus on 9 simple methods for cleaning your stones.
Charging the crystals has to do with adding your intention to the crystal after they have been cleansed. For example, you might have a crystal pendant that you wear around your neck.
Maybe you want to use this pendant to act as a protective device on your person while you're out in public or in a specific environment. Charging would involve visualizing the intention entering the crystal pendant or healing stone.
How often should I cleanse my crystals?
Once per month is suggested, but cleansing more often is great if they need it because the energy field has being disturbed.
Healing crystals and stones are considered to work because of the principle of "vibrational healing", during which they absorb and release energy. For this reason, it becomes important to remove any built-up negative energy.
How often you cleanse your crystals and stones is up to you, however it is believed that crystals will work better when they are cleansed on a regular basis. This could be daily, weekly, monthly, or whenever you feel the need.
Your own discretion, experience and intuition can guide you as to how often and the best method for cleansing and clearing your stones and crystals.
How long do I need to cleanse crystals?
Short Answer - the process to cleanse your crystals can take anywhere from 30 seconds to three days depending on the method you're using.
It is quite possible that crystals have the ability to return to their dormant oscillatory rate on their own. However, it could take a significant amount of time for this to happen.
In order to expedite the clearing and cleansing process, there are a number of methods that can be used. Using the methods below, you should be able to quickly cleanse your crystals and healing stones and restore them to their natural state.
How do you cleanse your crystals?
There are many ways to cleanse crystals and healing stones. In the paragraphs and sections below we discuss nine methods including clearing them with light, the earth, water, sound, intention, breath, and other crystals.
The method you choose will depend on the nature of the stones that you have such as the size and structure of the stone, the use of the stone, and what resources you have available to you.
9 Cleansing Methods for Your Crystals & Stones
Guidebook for Cleansing Crystals9 Great Methods for Cleansing Crystals and Stones

1. Light
Clearing Crystals using Light
- Good for: Smaller stones and small collections
- Tools/Methods: Both sunlight and moonlight can be used. Full moon is best.
- Time involved: Usually 24 to 48 hours
Nutshell: Place your crystals and minerals and healing stones in the light of the Sun or Moon for a period of hours. Can you charge crystals through a window? Yes.
Natural light waves penetrate crystals and healing stones to restore their natural vibration. Simply place the stones outside in direct sunlight or on a windowsill. They can be left in the sunlight for a period of hours or longer depending on the stone. For the moon, it's best to use the brightest moon phase possible, so cleanse your crystals sometime near the full moon. The full moon process is the same as with sunlight - simply leave stone or a crystal in the moonlight for a period of hours.
Note: Some stones are delicate and may be sensitive to direct sunlight, so be sure to check the conditions suitable for your specific stones. For example, the following crystals are sensitive to sunlight and their exposure should be limited:
- Amethyst
- Citrine
- Howlite
- Sapphire
- Fluorite
- Rose Quartz
- Smokey Quartz
- Carnelian
- Celestite
2. Grounding [Earthing]
Clearing Crystals using the Earth
- Good for: Smaller stones and small collections. Great for protective stones.
- Tools/Methods: grounding by burying them in the earth. Alternatives - salt bath and brown rice.
- Time involved: 24 hours to 3 days
- Nutshell: Bury stones around 3 inches deep in the Earth in a safe spot.
Crystals hold a strong connection to the earth. Burying stones brings them in contact with the earth's grounding energy, which discharges negative energy into the soil.
Note: Crystals should be placed into natural-fiber sacks or clay pots before burying them in the ground. The following are great candidates for the earthing method:
- Agate
- Calcite
- Carnelian
- Citrine
- Jasper
- Tigers Eye
Alternatives: Use brown rice or a salt bath. Place crystals in a bowl surrounded by the brown rice or salt and leave for several hours or longer if desired. Dispose of the salt bath and brown rice afterwards. The brown rice method is great for Black Tourmaline.

3. Sound Bath
Cleanse Crystals with Sound
- Good for: Any stone, especially larger stones and large collections.
- Tools/Methods: Instruments like chimes, singing bowls, drums, a tuning fork or humming.
- Time involved: 5 to 10 minutes
- Nutshell: Sound healing uses a single sound to fill an area and bring any crystals and other stones it into their natural vibrations. Be sure that the vibration created by the sound is ample enough to encompass the stone.
This method is great for any crystal, but is perfectly suited to a larger stones and crystals, or a large collection of crystals and healing stones. They can all be cleansed at the same time with minimal effort.
Sound sends positive energy vibrations through crystalline molecules. You could use instruments like chimes, a tuning fork, drums, or even just humming to make the sound. Once the sound bath is complete the crystalline molecule should be restored to its natural rhythm.

4. Smudging
Clearing Crystals with Sacred Smoke
- Good for: Any stone but well-suited for smaller stones and smaller collections.
- Tools/Methods: incense, sage (smudge stick), palo santo wood, lighter, fire safe area
- Time involved: 30 to 60 seconds.
Nutshell: Smudging uses a smoke from sacred materials to envelope crystals restoring them to their natural vibration.
Hold smoldering sage, incense or palo santo in one hand - often the non-dominant hand. Hold the crystal or stone firmly in the other hand and pass it through the smoke. In the case of incense, it may be best to use and incense holder. Light the incense as usual and then hold the crystal in your fingers and giving the stone's energy a bath in the sacred smoke.
5. Water Bath
Clearing Crystals with Water
- Good for: Smaller stones and small collections. Good for hard stones and crystals like quartz and amethyst.
- Tools/Methods: Flowing water and salt water soak.
- Time involved: One minute per stone in natural running water. Salt water bath - A few hours to 48 hours.
Nutshell: Water is considered a great neutralizer of any excess negative energy stored inside crystals and stones. When using the fresh or flowing water method, a natural running water source is ideal, but crystals energy can also be cleared under a sink or faucet. The key is to make sure that the stone is submerged in the running water. A Saltwater soak is another alternative. If you are close to an ocean you can grab a bowl of fresh sea water. If not, you can prepare a bowl of water and then add a tablespoon of salt into the bowl. Make sure the stones placed in the bowl are completely submerged. Rinse and pat stones dry in when the process is complete. Discard the salt water.
Note: Using water NOT recommended for certain crystals like soft, porous crystals or brittle stones. It's best to use other quick cleanse methods for Amber, Angelite, Calcite, Celestite, Desert Rose, Fluorite, Halite, Hematite (Rust), Himalayan Salt Rock, Lepidolite, Lapis Lazuli, Lodestone (Rust), Opal, Pyrite, Selenite, and Tourmaline.
6. Visualization
Clearing Crystals with Prayer & Meditation
- Good for: Any stone.
- Tools/Methods: visualize, pray, meditate
- Time involved: about 1 minute per stone is a good rule. Your intuition can guide you here.
Nutshell: First spend some time grounding and centering yourself. You might consider a brief meditation to get yourself into a calm state and clear inharmonious vibrations. You can hold the stone in your hand, if it is small enough, and then direct your energy into that stone.
Some might picture a bright white light surrounding the stone feeling it growing brighter, penetrating and clearing impurities from the stone or crystal. This can be done on any stone, and the crystal does not have to be in your hands, so it's a great technique for large crystals and stones where you cannot physically move them.
7. Breath
Clearing Crystals using the Breath
- Good for: Any stone. Great for smaller stones and small collections.
- Tools/Methods: your lungs, nostrils, intention, and hands.
- Time involved: 30 seconds for each stone
- Nutshell: Hold the smaller stones or stone in your hand(s). Meanwhile hold an intention while you inhale deeply through your nostrils. Follow this by exhaling through the nostrils with a short forceful burst of air directly onto the stone or stones. Repeat this process for about 30 seconds for each stone. It is recommended to do one at a time.
8. Larger Stones
Clearing Crystals with Larger Stones
- Good for: Any stone. Great for larger stones and large collections.
- Tools/Methods: Selenite slabs and large flat pieces are perfect for this method
- Time involved: 8 to 24 hours. Overnight is great.
- Nutshell: Simply placed the smaller stones and healing crystals on top of the flat surface of a larger resting stone or crystal. The larger stone's vibrations acts as a foundation and rebalance the energy of all of the smaller stones bringing energy back to a natural state.
Note: Selenite is a powerful crystal that does need to be cleansed and can absorb inharmonious energies from your other crystals due to the nature of its white light energy.

9. Small Stones
Clearing Crystals with Small Stones
- Good for: Any stone. Great for smaller stones and small collections.
- Tools/Methods: Naturally cleansing stones like Geodes, Quartz, and Selenite
- Time involved: 8 to 24 hours. Overnight is great.
- Nutshell: There are certain stones and crystals that generally speaking do not need cleansing and hold a harmonious state at all times. Surround the stones to be cleansed with other cleansing stones and crystals (e.g. Geodes, Quartz and Selenite).
Crystals can be powerful tools to bring positive natural energy into your life. Depending on your personal preference, they can be used for healing, meditation, or simply as decoration. You should now have a clearer idea how crystals act and discovered a few ways to purify negative energy so that they can better serve you.
It can be important to cleanse your crystals regularly to remove any negative or undesirable energy they may have accumulated over time. The beauty of cleansing your stones and crystals is that you tend to improve the energetic level of your own mind and body at the same time.
Cleansing removes negative energy and can also "program" your crystal with specific intention. You can choose the method that is best for your life and healing process. Test and try different alternatives a few times to see which ones you prefer.
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