Hematite Properties and Uses (The Blood Stone)
The protective nature of hematite supports steady growth and life development. This iron earth crystal is a perfect stone for those who want grounding powers to absorb negative energy and heal and grow with balance and confidence...

Hematite Properties and Uses
Hematite in its natural form resembles frozen, bubbly lava. While it is interesting to look at in its natural form, it is often polished to a metallic shine. What can we discover about hematite properties and uses?
Research indicates that hematite has been used for over three thousand years as a tool to treat trauma and bleeding. The healing properties of this mineral have been used on the delivery bed as well as on the battlefield.
Hematite was often used as a protective stone to guard against negative energies, curses and spells.
Hematite can help with the removal of deep-seated anxiety, as well as maintain a person's calm and cool.

The grounding energy of hematite can provide a sense of stability and emotional security, providing courage, strength and endurance.
Hematite can also stimulate the mind, creating better focus and attention. It can help with memory and creative thinking.
Hematite stone powers may help with shyness, self-esteem, and survival. It has also been found to increase willpower and dependability and instill confidence. These properties can aid in the treatment of overindulgent habits like binge eating, smoking and drinking.
History and spiritual meaning of hematite
History and spiritual meaning of hematite
Hematite History and legend
Hematite stone is known for connecting the body to the earth. Ancient Greeks associated Hematite with Mars, the god of war.
Many warriors in different time periods like the Greeks, Romans, and Native Americans used crushed hematite to make red war paint for their bodies. The idea was to protect themselves in battle and to provide courage and a sense of invincibility.
Cave paintings in the Paleolithic era were created by using the red pigment from hematite.

Hematite was also used for medical purposes. In Mesopotamia, it was popular tool to cool down the blood. In ancient Egypt, Hematite was recommended for treating inflammation because of its iron oxide content.
Hematite general information
Hematite Name
Hematite’s name is derived from the Greek word haima, meaning blood, and it is often called the blood stone.
Hematite is a mineral that has been used for centuries to ground and balance the self, to strengthen connection with the earth, and to help manifest ideas into reality.

Physical properties
Hematite is a sedimentary mineral that is found in the Earth's crust. It is the most common form of iron oxide. Hematite crystals are usually brown, but they can also be black, red, or yellow. They are often used in jewelry because they are very attractive and easy to work with.
Qualitative aspects
It is said that hematite can be used to maintain a sense of calm, especially when experiencing high levels of stress. It can also help with problems associated with blood sugar levels and anemia.

Where is Hematite found?
Hematite is found in Brazil, Canada, England, the United States, Venezuela, and many other places.
Hematite metaphysical and healing properties
Hematite metaphysical and healing properties
What does Hematite do?
Hematite is a good restorative stone for someone who wants to create balance in their life. It can get the head and heart working together for the same goal. When your emotions seem to be going haywire, a hematite stone can ground you and guide you home.
Healing with Hematite - Using Hematite for body mind and spirit
9 Hematite contributions to the body:
- Regulates blood flow
- Aids in the treatment of blood diseases like anemia
- Promotes normal kidney function and tissue regeneration
- Helps digestion
- Aids iron absorption and red blood cell formation
- help with leg cramps, anxiety, and insomnia
- Assists with spine alignment and bone repair
- Promoted good circulation in the body
- Eases arm and leg issues like cramps and pains.
9 Hematite contributions to the mind:
- Alleviate anxiety and stress
- Dissolves negativity and acts as protector
- Increases self-esteem and confidence
- Aids brain function, memory, and creativity
- Provides us with bravery, emotional strength, endurance, and vitality
- Increases willpower and dependability
- Provides a sense of safety and security
- Aids in the treatment of overindulgence, compulsions and addictions.
- Increases attention and focus
3 Hematite contributions to the spirit:
- Eliminates all forms of negative energy
- Creates high vibratory levels during healing
- Transmutes negative energy into love
Hematite Uses
Hematite Uses
Wearing Hematite
When feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable, the healing and protection energies of hematite crystal might remove and cleanse negativity and retain energetic security.
Hematite crystal stone offer you a sense of rootedness and connection to release strength endurance and confidence help you stay grounded in frantic moments when you can't seem to keep your feet on the ground.

Wearing hematite on your person can keep you in touch with its protective energy. Common forms of hematite jewelry are pendants and bracelets.
Jewelry provides an easy way to incorporate hematite into daily life and receive its crystal healing properties.
Another way to tap into hematite's protection and confidence is to carry it on your person in a pocket, purse or bag.
Hematite at home and work
Use Hematite in Feng Shui
Hematite has many uses in feng shui. With its colors and materials, it represents various feng shui elements and can be used to enhance or activate the energies associated with the five feng shui elements.
- In feng shui, crystals in general represent the earth element. Therefore, you can place hematite in the earth element sectors of the bagua, which are the southwest and northeast, representing marriage and partnership, and knowledge and wisdom respectively.
- Polished black or gray hematite has a metallic sheen, which can represent the metal element. The metal element works best in the west and northwest sectors of your home, which facilitate the energy of children, and travel and mentors respectively.
- Finally, unpolished hematite is usually black or gray, and it represents the element of water. Place unpolished hematite in the north sector of your home, which supports career and business energy.
Hematite at Home.
Hematite is ideal for the home because it can help to boost energy levels and provide a sense of security for the people in the house.
Lower vibrational energies can be kept away by putting hematite at the main entryway or in the four corners of a room.

Wondering which is the best place for Hematite?
Keeping hematite somewhere that it is seen and easily accessed is recommended because it’s good to keep it cleansed. For more information, you can read our article on how to cleanse crystals.
Some place Hematite crystal at the front door to act as an energy filter for anyone/anything entering the home. It is often kept on top of the door frame or near a window.
Hematite stone placed in the bedroom can help with personal protection. The healing earth energy can provide a sense of physical balance and protection from negativity.
Let your own intuition as to wearing and placing your stones and crystals. Try and test until you find the best way to receive hematite healing and grounded magnetic energy.
Hematite at Work.
Hematite in the workplace can help to create a sense of balance and positive energy. Because it emits positivity, it can bring optimism to the workplace or to others nearby.
Hematite on a desk or in a home office can also bring protection from negative energy and psychic attacks.
Hematite beauty products
Some iron extracts can help to tighten, rejuvenate and strengthen the skin. The iron content in hematite offers skin toning and strengthening properties.
Hematite can aid in the restoration of skin density and firmness by stimulating collagen formation, resulting in a healthy, youthful appearance.
Hematite crystal therapy
Hematite has a reputation for promoting and restoring blood flow. It is said to strengthen kidney function and remove negativity and protect you from absorbing the negativity of others, according to healers.
It aids in the relief of stress and the overcoming of compulsions and addictions. It promotes normal and tissue regeneration
Hematite therapy is a non-invasive technique using vibrational energy to direct and transmute the energies around the body. The goal is to release unwanted thoughts and emotional patterns and amplify positive energies.
The process supports healing at all levels: body, mind and spirit. A therapist might use an hematite wand or stone(s) on energy centers of the body. A therapist might also place hematite around the body to create a protective energy field.
Using an hematite crystal or stone around the root chakras and energy center can encourage these centers to open activating pure and natural traits.
Hematite crystal and relationships.
Hematite can be a superb tool for strengthening relationships and connecting individuals. Hematite can provide a strong grounding force to strengthen bonds.
Hematite can releases and clears excess thoughts and energy. Meanwhile it can accentuate the release positive memories, peace and tranquillity.
Hematite and meditation.
Hematite is a stone for the mind, and meditation is an excellent tool for a peaceful mind.
Meditating with a piece of Hematite is another way to bring the stone’s qualities into your energy field. Hematite can act as a protection stone as the mind and spirit open.
Meditation with this rock can be an excellent tool for a peaceful mind.
The following is a suggested method for meditation with this stone. Hold meditation for as long as you like:
- Find a quiet and calm place - your usual meditation spot is fine if you have one.
- Place hematite near or around the meditation area.
- Focus the breath and attention on the energy of the stones.
- Imagine your body being fully connected with the earth.
- Attune the spirt to release any unwanted energies and sort through challenges.
Colors and forms of Hematite
Most hematite stones are dark gray in color with a silvery appearance. When they are polished the stones take on the appearance of metal.
Hematite is sometimes referred to as a black diamond and it is harder than iron but it is more brittle. Thinly sliced pieces of hematite look very transparent and red in color .
Hematite and the zodiac
Each zodiac sign is associated with numerous birthstones.
Hematite is associated with fire and earth elements and is a gemstone for the birth sign of Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 20),
Hematite is the modern birthstone for Aquarius. Aquarians are independent and laid-back creative thinkers who spend much of their time in their heads.
Individuals with their heads in the clouds may be prone to overthinking and misunderstanding other people's sentiments for their own.
A stone like hematite can provide much-needed protection to keep the spirit strong and the body and mind firmly in the calm zone when the physical nervous system is out of sync.
Hematite is considered a lucky stone for Aries, Scorpio, and Capricorn.
Hematite and the chakras
The dark color of hematite stone is a good indicator of the chakra connection. Dark colored stones are known to connect with the lower chakras particularly the root chakra at the base of the spine.
Hematite has a grounding and calming affect so it's naturally connected to the root chakra. The Root Chakra (1st) chakra is located at the base of the spine and provides a base and foundation for life.
The grounding, security and stabilizing energies of the root chakra can be activated by tuning into hematite energy.
How to care for Hematite
How to care for Hematite
Cleaning Hematite
It's not difficult to clean hematite stone, although it's not a water-loving stone. Because of the iron oxide concentration, water might cause hematite to rust.
Instead of using water to clean stone, simply massage it with a fine-bristled brush to release stored energy.
In order to maximize hematite healing life energy it is a good practice to keep it cleansed.
Cleansing Hematite
Cleansing is meant to remove any negative accumulated energies inside the stone. A few good methods to cleanse hematite stone are:
Sound - A favorite tool for cleansing stones and healing crystals is a crystal tuner or sound bowl. These tuning devices clear crystal energy fields with sound.
Sunlight - Sunlight is a great method to clear Hematite.
Moonlight - Leaving hematite stone(s) out in the direct light of a full moon is another way to recharge them. You may simply hold it in the moonlight and allow your stone(s) to absorb the moon's positive energy.
Other crystals - Leaving hematite in a bowl overnight along with with some selenite (link) can soak up negative and unwanted energy clearing the energy field.
A number of methods to cleanse your crystals can be found in this article.
Programing/charging hematite
There is no need to charge or program a Hematite, but cleansing is considered important.

Hematite Authenticity
Synthetic forms of Hematite have a much lower price and are called hematine. The properties of this synthetic stone will likely be much different than that of authentic hematite.
A gemstone’s price is not always a guarantee that what you’re buying is the real thing. However, a company’s good reputation should put your mind at ease.
Ask questions and do your research about gemstone dealers.
Testing for hematite authenticity
Magnet - Hematite is not magnetic, so when tested with a magnet, it should not be attracted to the magnet.
Porcelain - Rub a piece of hematite and rub it on porcelain. True hematite will leave a red streak. If not it will leave a gray streak.
Where to purchase Hematite
Hematite jewelry and stones can be purchased from online and local stores, and we encourage you to explore shops and dealers in your immediate area.
Events and expos are that are held throughout the year can be great places to find quality specimens.
Links to some good online sources are found within the article, and we have listed a some solid sellers here:
Conscious Items - carries numerous stones and jewelry. A great option for small items and crystal combination kits.
Throwin Stones has been around since 2001 and carries a large selection of stones in many forms and sizes. If you are looking for natural crystals and stones this is an excellent resource.
Amazon - offers some high quality Hematite to explore.
Final Thoughts
Compared to other dark stones like obsidian, hematite with its high iron content is a very nurturing stone. It acts as an excellent partner in a slow, grounded and determined spiritual evolution.
The protective nature of hematite supports steady growth and life development. This iron earth crystal is a perfect stone for those who want grounding powers to absorb negative energy and heal and grow with balance and confidence.
Beyond Hematite
Note: The content we provide is for education and entertainment purposes only. None of this is intended as health, life or financial advice. We don’t claim to be experts. We believe in lifelong learning and continuous education. As always, it is suggested that you do your own research [DYOR].
Many things that may have been ignored and taken for granted may be found to have much higher purposes and significant potential benefits in our lives. It’s quite possible that the healing properties within Hematite are just beginning to be understood.
Humanity is awakening to higher levels understanding and new realizations every day. The more we learn from our research into healing crystals and crystal healing energies, the more fascinated we become. It is likely that new healing properties of hematite may be discovered in the near future. Stay tuned.
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The Crystal Bible - A definitive guide to crystals, Judy Hall