NAAN Design
NAAN can stand for many things, but for the purposes of the site we consider it the following:
About NAAN Design:
The inside world and outside world are in constant contact and relationship with one another. The inside reflects the outside and the outside is reflected on the inside.
We are continuously interacting with the world, and the world is also interacting with us. It is a dynamic process of learning, incorporation, change and growth.
This site may discuss many things, but will focus on the spirit of place and the spirit of nature. The goal is to encouraging mindful living and design that incorporates nature and becomes an enhancement to the natural environment.

Louis Kahn looked into the nature of materials and would ask them what they wanted to be. This "conversation" resulted in some of the most profound and respected works of architecture in the world.

My Architect: A Son's Journey
A Compelling Biography of Louis Kahn By His Son Nathaniel
It is possible to have a deep and spiritual dialogue with our life and design problems. This is a process of removing the ego and asking our higher Self and Nature what would be the best possible solution. This is an inside • outside process - taking the information from the outside and internalizing it.
Applying this method, we can find clarity of thought and generate beautiful life and design solutions that break away from preconceived notions. Our life by design can become more genuine and connected to the powerful forces of Life, Nature, and the Soul.
Make the best of what you have and appreciate the space around you. When you think, design, and create: consider not just what you might receive, but what is given to the world.
Thank you for visiting Naan Design.
With the mind
On nature
And nature
On the mind.
-Naan Design.