Moonstone Meaning and Uses - (Travelers Best Friend)

Moonstone is a pearly stone associated with the moon goddess energy. One of the feldspar minerals, moonstone calms the mind and can help facilitate a meditative or altered state. It has been used to help intuitive or sensitive children develop deeper connection with their abilities...

Moonstone Meaning and Uses - (Travelers Best Friend)
Moonstone and a full moon 

There are a number of moonstone meaning and uses. This article aims to clarify how to use moonstone as a life enhancement tool.

Moonstone crystal is a feldspar mineral that is known for unique effect called adularescence.  Moonstone has a milky color with a blue colored interior. Two other components within the stone called orthoclase and albite create the adularescence effect when the light is refracted through the various layers.

Some people believe the appearance of moonstone crystal will shift in direct relationship to the phases of the moon.

Moonstone Meaning

Moonstone origins. Moonstone crystal was part of the cultural and religious and cultural beliefs of ancient Greeks and Romans. Hindu legend suggests that moonbeams are responsible for the formation of moonstone crystal. Similarly, the Romans considered it to be moonlight captured in a solid form.

Full moon floating over a pool with reflection
Full moon floating over a pool

In Middle East, the feminine aspects of moonstone crystal are well recognized, and women have worn the stone for its feminine power including effects on fertility. The Europeans associated it with love and renewal.

Moonstone became a common jewelry element during the Art Nouveau period at the turn of the 19th century. It was a favorite healing, meditative, and transcendent stone of the 1960’s free love period and the 1990’s “New Age” culture.

Today it is considered a fashion statement, and it is also a recognized for its metaphysical healing benefits and therapeutic potentials.

Where is Moonstone found?

Moonstone will be found in locations that are rich with igneous rocks like pegmatites and Granitic take both of which contain feldspar. India is known for producing rainbow moonstone, Sri Lanka for blue moonstone, and Switzerland is known for the most dramatic and historic moonstone discoveries.

Known locations of moonstone production:

  • Armenia
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Germany
  • India
  • Madagascar
  • Mexico
  • Norway
  • Sri Lanka
  • Switzerland
  • Tanzania
  • USA: North Carolina, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Indiana

Moonstone metaphysical and healing properties.

The stone of new beginnings.

The healing properties of moonstone have been acknowledged by numerous cultures and ethnicities throughout time.

Moonstone is known as a stone of purification, self-development, spirituality, and energization. It is said that moonstone renews inner strength, supports growth, restores emotional balance, removes stress and facilitates fertility.

Healing, empowerment, and self-discovery are what moonstone is about. The number of moonstone healing properties is long, but we have highlighted a few key points here:

Moonstone has been know as a:

  • Supporter of Growth: This crystal can foster a surge in productivity, creativity and psychic ability. The healing powers of moonstone can contribute to personal and professional development fostering success in life, livelihood and relationships.
  • Healer of Disease: It's associated with problems that relate to liver, pancreas, stomach, and spleen. It's also known for helping the lymphatic system clean the blood. The digestive process is said to be improved and strengthened.
  • Bringer of Wellness: It's a soothing gemstone that helps keep the pituitary gland balanced, aids the pineal gland and the circadian cycle, and normalizes sleep cycles. The stone provides peace and tranquillity needed for proper sleep.
  • Companion in Challenging Times: Moonstone transfuses the moon's powerful energy to human soul improving intuition and providing strength to overcome past melancholy and grief.

Moonstone for health - body, mind and spirit

Moonstone properties might help people to discover their authentic life path.  Below are a few known moonstone benefits and healing properties.


Moonstone is often called the The Travelers Stone. It said to provide protection from jet-lag and help the body assimilate to new environments. In this way using moonstone as a travel companion can help keep the spirit of adventure alive.

Moonstone contributions to a healthy body:

  • Supports and balance female emotional states
  • Helps regulate menstrual disorders
  • Relieves pain during childbirth
  • Aids in assimilation of nutrients
  • Reduces impact of degenerative conditions such as those of the hair, skin, and eyes
  • Stabilizes fluid imbalances
  • Harmonizes biorhythm clock
  • Supports restful sleep and relieve somnambulism (sleepwalking)
  • Reduces hyperactivity


In addition to help with sleep and fluid balance, moonstone is said to help relieve stress and support emotional clarity.

Moonstone contributions to a healthy mind:

  • instills tranquility
  • rejuvenates thinking
  • keeps darkness and negative thoughts at bay
  • soothes, relaxes and calms the mind


The idea that moonstone activates spiritual awareness is widely accepted. Many people use these sacred stones for meditation because it can clear negative energies and enhance inner wisdom.

Moonstone contributions to a healthy spirit:

  • keeps the heart open
  • attracts love and affection
  • protects from psychic attacks
  • improves intuition and second sight
  • enhances psychic abilities
  • connects with galactic consciousness
  • promotes lucid dreaming

Moonstone uses.

Wearing Moonstone

Wearing Moonstone on your person can bring the crystal healing energy with you wherever you may go.

Wearing Moonstone as jewelry provides an easy way to incorporate moonstone into your life and receive its beneficial properties.

Image of moonstone bracelets
Moonstone bracelets

Most jewelry that you can imagine can be made with the moonstone. Necklaces, pendants, bracelets, and earrings can be found to suit many styles and tastes. Moonstone is a traditional wedding gift for the 13th anniversary.

A Moonstone bracelet is an excellent option for many people who want to keep its positive energy close.  For those who don't wear jewelry, another option is to carry some moonstone(s) in a pocket, bag or purse.

Moonstone ring
Moonstone ring

Moonstone jewelry guidance:

  • Wear it on a Monday (early morning or evening) and especially during the time of Waxing Moon.
  • Keep it on the little finger of your dominant hand.
  • Wear a moonstone ring on the finger and keep it for a few days to feel its effect on the body and mind.
  • Silver is the best metal for moonstone jewelry. Avoid gold and Panchaloha.

Another way to use moonstone is to carry it on your person in a pocket, purse or bag. Be sure to carry it with care. It can be wrapped in a soft cloth and kept in a protected chamber inside a purse or bag. Some choose to carry it in the palm of the dominant hand.

Moonstone in the home and workplace

Moonstone at home.

There are many spots where moonstone can be used in the home. The simplest way to incorporate moonstone in the home is to acquire some moonstone gems and place them strategically where you would like their energy to be present.

They can be displayed prominently or even kept in side containers such as a felt-lined box.  

Due to its soft nature,  moonstones need to be treated more gently than other crystals. Moonstone can be wrapped with protective cloth when placed in a location where it might be knocked around.

Moonstone decorated sugar bowl
Moonstone decorated sugar bowl

Moonstone is sometimes used to decorate items in the home like coasters, picture frames, mirrors and tapestries. It has been uses to accent furniture. Some popular moonstone home accessories are bowls, sculptures, and decorative jars.

A freestanding gemstone bowl can be a simple way to display and enjoy the benefits of moonstone in a room.   Keeping some moonstone or moonstone decorated objects in the home can bring positive energy to the surroundings and help family members with psychic and health issues.

Feng Shui and moonstone.

For those who understand and incorporate the ideas of Feng Shui in life, there are some suggested ways to include moonstone in this practice.

Place a moonstone near the bed. Moonstone kept somewhere in a bedroom can provide a couple with the drive to restore and maintain intimacy.

Moonstone in the bedroom

Place moonstone near the abdomen -  small stones can be placed beneath the bed in the abdomen area. This practice is suggested to improve the reproductive system, restore balance to hormone levels, and enhance fertility.

Moonstone at work.

Many professionals and business people believe to have benefited from keeping moonstone close. Some people find that moonstone can suggest and provide guidance to take the right steps.

Some possibilities for moonstone placement in an office: a moonstone decorated sofa or chair, a moonstone door bell button, or a wind chime with moonstones on it. Moonstone showpieces can be placed on a work table or book shelf.

Moonstone beauty products

Moonstone crystal is know for its feminine energy. Accordingly, moonstone rollers are sometimes used in beauty parlors offering alternative treatments and spiritual healing therapies.

Moonstone roller for skincare
Moonstone roller for skincare

The moonstone facial roller and massage tool is said to unclog pores and allow moisturizer to penetrate the skin while providing healing properties to the entire body. Many experience rejuvenated facial tones and youthful appearance after the treatment.

Moonstone crystal therapy

Moonstone therapy is a non-invasive technique using vibrational energy to direct and transmute the energies around the body. The goal is to release unwanted thoughts and emotional patterns and amplify positive energies.

The process supports healing at all levels: body, mind and spirit. A therapist might use a moonstone wand, crystal chips, and/or moonstone heart on energy centers of the body.

The therapist can also place moonstones all around the body so that a protective energy field can be created.  By placing the stones together they are said to generate and reflect glowing light energies which can be infused into the body.

Using the stones around chakras and energy centers can encourage these centers to open, releasing confusion and doubt while activating pure and natural traits.

Moonstone crystal and relationships.

Moonstone is one of many gemstones that is associated with love and romance. If a person is having struggles in relationships or seeking more intimacy with a partner or perhaps to start a new relationship, moonstone is said to help with these aims.

Moonstone is good for people in any kind of positive relationship, but it has a special effect on lovers and intimate partners.

Happy couple enjoying an intimate moment
Happy couple enjoying an intimate moment

These are some ways moonstone is used in relationships:

  • To attain closeness, keep the gemstone nearby when you’re meeting your beloved.
  • For physical intimacy, wear moonstone on a full moon and make love. The bodies of the lovers are said to harmonize with the moon and lunar cycle.
  • For fertility or fidelity, thirteen moonstones set in a twelve-month circle placed near the bed are considered to bring superb results.

Moonstone meditation.

Meditating with moonstone is another way to bring the stone’s qualities into your energy field. Meditation with moonstone is said to enhance creativity and intuition.

The following is a suggested method for meditation with this stone.  Hold meditation for as long as you like:

  • Find a quiet and calm place - your usual meditation spot is fine if you have one.
  • While meditating hold a moonstone in each palm.
  • Focus the breath and attention on the energy of the stones.
  • Visualize the bright white light entering the stones and filling your body and mind.
  • Imagine your body being fully connected with the earth.
  • Incorporate any positive thoughts or intentions into the meditation at this time.

Moonstone and the Zodiac

Moonstone is one of the June birthstones, and it can be particularly helpful to those born under Cancer, Libra and Scorpio signs.

Moonstone crystal helps heal the emotional body and enhance psychic perception in individuals while eliminating negative inner energy.

Its feminine energies are found to be helpful to women with high levels of anxiety and stress.

Moonstone and the Chakras

Moonstones are linked to the Second, Sixth, and Seventh chakras, also known as the sacral, third eye and crown chakras.

  • The Sacral (2nd) chakra, located below the belly button provides creative energy. Placing moonstone on second chakra can bring balance to this chakra and inspire healthy eating, creativity, and eroticism.
  • The Third Eye (6th) chakra, located between the eyebrows, is a spiritual development center attuning the material and physical world. The third eye chakra can be activated with the moonstone being placed on this spot.
  • The Crown chakra (7th) at the top of the head is the connection point to the universe and the Infinite. Placing a moonstone here, particularly a white one, awakens this energy center and connects to higher realms which can help bring wisdom, joy and good health.

Moonstone color and energy.

This is a quick summary of qualities of most common colors of moonstone.

  • Blue moonstone helps develop communication and telepathic connections,
  • Grey moonstone can remove confusion and improving second sight,
  • Peach moonstone is suited for emotional healing,
  • Rainbow moonstone is for psychic protection, and
  • White moonstone helps with spiritual growth

A more expansive list colors of moonstone colors and meanings is found later in the article.

How to Care For Moonstone

Caring for moonstone.

Typical moonstone falls between 6.0 and 6.5 according to Mohs hardness scale. This score means that moonstone is a relatively soft stone. Being made of feldspar, it has the potential to cleave and break.

The lifespan of moonstone can be prolonged by taking care of it in the following ways:

  • Avoid exposure to sudden temperature changes.
  • Remove any moon stone jewelry when doing chores or physical activity that could damage it.
  • Keep it clean. Body oil, lotion, and sweat can build up on moonstone.
  • Avoid contact with hydrofluoric acid.
  • When storing your moonstone, keep it wrapped a in soft piece of soft cloth to protect it from scratches.

How to Cleanse Moonstone

Keeping moonstone physically clean

Cleansing When it comes to cleansing a moonstone, a number of methods can be used. Steam cleaners and ultrasonic device should be avoided. the simplest method to Use only warm soapy water to clean moonstone. Soak the moonstone in fresh water with a few drops of dish soap for about 3 minutes. A clean piece of cloth can be used to buff it dry. Avoid jewelry cleaners that uses harsh and abrasive chemicals.

How to cleanse your crystals. 9 methods for cleansing stones
Cleansing a crystal is a process to bring the crystal or healing stone back to its natural harmonic resonant state. This article will focus on the 9 simple processes available for cleaning your stones.

Spiritually cleansing moonstone

Many methods are available and work well. to cleanse and spiritually charge and balance moonstone. A few methods are covered below. More discussion on cleaning your stones can be found in this article.


Find a stream nearby. An ocean can also be great. Wash the stone under the moving water. This action can cleanse the stone of negative vibrations and charge it with the pure energy of the water.

At home a saltwater bath can have the sam effect. Fill a glass bowl with clean water and mix in some salt. Submerge the stones in the bath and leave them for a few hours or overnight. Rinse them carefully in cool running water to get rid of the salt. Wipe them dry with a piece of soft cloth or towel.


The sacred smoke of sage or Palo Santo wood can be used to bathe the moonstone crystals and bring them to balance. Some recommend keeping salt nearby while smudging the moonstone energy, so that the salt absorbs the negative energies possibly freed from the stone.

Moonlight bath.

A moonlight bath can be an excellent way to clear any negative energy from moonstone crystal. This is best done when the moonlight is strongest, so close to a full moon is considered the best time.

Programming Moonstone.

Programming or charging a moonstone is intended to empower the stones with fresh energy and enhance its natural qualities.  Here are a few ways to charge moonstones.


Moonlight tends to be a 2-for-1 solution because it can cleanse the moonstone and also give it a positive charge. Leave the stones under direct moonlight and keep them overnight. The moon will do the rest. Convey any intentions into the stones by holding them in one hand and uttering words to the effect that only positive energy and light may enter the stones.


Develop and attain a clear relaxed and focused state of mind using the method of your choice.  The state of your mind can be then sent to and reflected in the stone.

Hold the stone in the palm of the least-used hand. Position the hand that is free above the stone by an inch or so.

With undivided attention, visualize the positive intentions and energy entering into the moonstone. During and after this process, Some might fell heat and vibration coming from the stone.

Third-Eye Chakra.

Another method for charging is to hold the crystal on the 3rd Eye Chakra. A declaration of purpose is stated, and any wish can be sent into the moonstone.  For example: “I charge this particular moonstone for love/ or healing/ or renewal.”

Moonstone colors and properties.

Black Moonstone

Black moonstone is reminiscent of a new moon in the night sky and will flash silver gray when moved in the light. Some of these stones will have lines of peach color which can be associated with the naval area of the body.

Black moonstone sphere
Black moonstone sphere

Many researchers believe that the meaning behind black moonstone crystal is tied to regulation of emotions and the restraint of negative energy. This idea likely developed because black moonstone is known to have a deep resonance that can benefit a person's psychic sensitivity.

Blue Moonstones

Blue moonstones are appreciated for their gentle and soft healing energy. The blue variety of moonstone is considered a master healer that brings significant nourishing and sensual effects. It has been called the cat's-eye moonstone, and accordingly it might enhance focus, increase mental clarity and stimulate inner vision. The deep blue variations are rare and considered very precious.

Gray Moonstone

Gray moonstone is often considered the "new moon" stone. It is primary valued for its condensed mystical healing properties.

Grey, black and peach moonstones on a table
Grey, black and peach moonstones

Green Moonstone

Green moonstone is a relatively opaque version of moonstone that doesn't have the classic shimmering quality. It is still, however, considered to be an excellent and powerful form of moonstone.

Green moonstones
Green moonstones

Green moonstone is said to connect to the heart chakra vibration which can facilitate calmness, healing and reflective states of mind.

Peach/Yellow Moonstone

Peach and yellow moonstone is often considered the moon stone for women. It is said to contain significant feminine energies and soothing abilities.

Peach moonstone pieces
Peach moonstone pieces

The feminine energy is attached to calmness, fertility, and transition. It symbolizes the divine feminine, transmutes negative emotions, and purifies the soul.

Pink Moonstone

Pink moonstone has a gentle pink hue which is often due to some hematite inclusions. This type of moonstone is said to incorporate feminine energy and romanticism. It is considered a great stone for psychic perception.

Rainbow Moonstones

Rainbow moonstone is also known as white labradorite. This stone is actually a variety of labradorite that resembles moonstone but has a flashy rainbow shine.  Even though this stone is not technically a moonstone (orthoclase), it was given the name rainbow moonstone by mineral and lapidary communities.

Rainbow moonstone chips
Rainbow moonstone chips

Rainbow Moonstone is associated with creativity, confidence, balance, and endurance and is said to strengthening intuition and psychic ability.

Deposits are found in Australia, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Poland, and Sri Lanka.

Star Moonstone

Star moonstone is named for the fact that it has an asterism effect under specific lighting conditions. This means that when looking at the stone a four-rayed star can be seen on the surface.  The stone may need to be manipulated and turned in the light in order to experience the full effect.

White Moonstone

White moonstone has the most pure color appearance and it very much resembles a shiny piece of the moon. It is opulent and subtle and a rarer version of the stone.


Moonstone is a pearly stone associated with the moon goddess energy. One of the feldspar minerals moonstone calms the mind and can help enter a meditative or altered state. It has been used to help intuitive or sensitive children develop deeper connection with their abilities.

Moonstone meaning healing properties are still being discovered. Commonly used in jewelry like necklaces and bracelets, this stone is regularly used in meditation and healing work.

The following is a categorical list of moonstone and its ability to work with certain conditions, facilitate healing and develop consciousness states:

Moonstone for the Body can help with:

Arthritis, Birthing, Breast Health, Circulatory Problems, Edema, Fleshy Organs, Fluid Retention, Headaches and Migraines, Infertility, Insect Bites, Insomnia, Menstrual Cramps and Menstrual Issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Pancreas Health, the Pituitary Gland, PMS, Pregnancy, Stomach Problems like Constipation, Diarrhea, and Vomiting

Moonstone for the Mind can help with:

Release and Diffusion of Anger, Centering and Composure, Restoring Natural Cycles, Balancing Emotions and Emotional Healing, Fear of the Dark, Happiness, Harmony, Hope, Letting Go, Mood Swings, Nurturing Energy, Postpartum Depression

Moonstone for the Spirit can help with:

Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom, Aura Balancing, Awareness, Clairvoyance, Connection to Higher Realms and the Divine Feminine, Energy Work, Enhance Intuition

Where to purchase Moonstone?

Moonstone can be found at many places online. Links to some good sources are sprinkled throughout the article, but we have listed a some solid sellers here:

Conscious Items - They carry numerous stones and jewelry. A great option for small items and crystal combination kits.

Throwin Stones has been around since 2001 and carries a large selection of stones in many forms and sizes.  If you are looking for natural crystals and stones this is an excellent resource.

KALIFANO Shop on Amazon has affordable quality moonstone specimens.

Moonstones can be purchased from online and local stores. Events and expos held throughout the year can be great places to find quality specimens.  

Beyond moonstone.

Many things that may have been ignored and taken for granted may be found to have much higher purposes and significant potential benefits in our lives. In that light, it's quite possible that the divine feminine beauty and yang energies of this sacred stone are just beginning to be understood.

Humanity is awakening to higher levels understanding and new realizations every day. The more we learn from our research into crystals and natural healing energies the more fascinated we become. It is likely that new moonstone meaning healing properties may be discovered in the near future. Stay tuned.


Note:  The content we provide is for education and entertainment purposes only.  None of this is intended as health, life or financial advice. We don’t claim to be experts. We believe in lifelong learning and continuous education. As always, it is suggested that you do your own research [DYOR].

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Links are provided mainly for convenience and to increase understanding of the items being discussed.  There is no cost or price impact to use these links.  Our goal is to find the best opportunities and options for our readers.


Moonstone Meanings
Meaning of Moonstone is explained well and simply. Let’s check the stories and the power of Moonstone.